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This might make you cry…

I was talking to my friend CC today.

She had four kids very close in age, was a stay-at-home-mom, then went back to work, and is now a retired grandmother.

Whenever I’m having an “I can’t believe this is my life” moment, I just call CC and she makes me feel better. She’s been through it all – sleepless nights, feeling like you’ve been breastfeeding or pregnant for decades (when it’s only been years), figuring out how to love staying at home (even when you sometimes don’t love it at all), navigating the return to work and raising teenagers and surviving the college years and first jobs and weddings and now grandkids.

She has stories.

And then more stories.

And most of them make me feel really, really glad that we now have things like seatbelts and preschool and that puffy paint sweatshirts are no longer in style.

The other day we were chatting, and she said, “Hey – I have to tell you this.”

Usually when she says that, I know it’s going to be good. It’s going to be some hilarious story she just remembered about one of her kids breaking her arm and CC not believing her until three days later when she finally took her to the doctor.

Stories like that totally make my day and help me feel like maybe things aren’t so bad around this joint.

So when CC said, “Hey – I have to tell you this.” I listened.

CC: I’ve made a discovery that will change your life. Seriously.

Me: That sounds right up my alley. What is it?

CC: Wake up in the morning and get up around 6:30 or 7. Go to the bathroom, eat a banana or whatever. Have something to drink.

Me: Okay. Sounds good. And then?

CC: And then go back to bed. The best sleep of your entire life will happen between 7:30 and 9 am.


CC: Anna, I’m so serious. There’s just nothing like it. You will be in the deepest sleep of your entire life. And when you wake up at 9 am, you will feel like a new person.


CC: I’ve been doing it every morning for about a month now. Can’t believe the difference…

Me: That is the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me. Ever.

CC: Bwahahahahaha!!! I’ve earned this sleep – and in about 30 years – you’ll have your turn too.

Me: I hate you right now.


And that’s why I’ve now trained the 2-year-old to hit redial on CC’s phone number every 10 minutes between the hours of 7:30 and 9 am each morning.

Every time he hits that redial button, he gets a cookie. And if she actually answers? He gets two cookies, and the iPad.

Okay – not really – but it’s tempting.

What do you think about CC’s revelation? Does it make you want to cry? Does it give you hope for the future? Have you already been taking advantage of this window of sleep – and you feel bad for everyone that can’t?

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  1. hehehehehehehe! I can do this, too!!! But I don’t. I prefer to suffer along with you. Really. Misery loves company, right? Who loves ya, girl?!

  2. Hahaha!!! I use to do this in college only because I would wake up super early starving!! I would eat a Nature Valley bar and go back to sleep. Now I have a 6yo and 2yo soooooo not happening but I have hope for the future

  3. I’m lucky if the kids don’t wake up at 5:30-6 wanting a banana or a snack. I’m lucky if they don’t wake up at THREE TO FOUR AM wanting breakfast and ready to get the day started. I kind of hate her right now and I don’t even know her. lol

  4. I do have to agree with her. A couple of years ago, pre-baby number 2 when I was just a sucka with 1 kiddo that slept like a champ. I would wake up at 4:30 to go to the gym before my hubby went to work. Then I would come home at 6 and go back to sleep until the kiddo woke up, and it was truly the best sleep ever. Now I’m exhausted and I am reaping some 2nd child sleep karma. I hate to think what would happen if we had another….

  5. What is this thing she speaks of “sleep”…?!?

  6. Only when I had newborns who would nap with me during that time, and only again when all of my children are in school . . .sigh.

  7. I do this on Saturdays. I have to get up with my kids at 6:30 or 7 because the youngest always wants me. I pour their cereal and turn on their “Weekend Morning Video” then go back to bed. My husband gets up a little later and then he deals with them until I get up around 9. I don’t always fall back to sleep, but when I do, it really is the best sleep. When I don’t, at least I’m relaxing and not dealing with the kids for a couple hours!

  8. She’s right. I’ve got both kids in school, so sometimes when I’m really worn down, I just take a nap after every is out of the house.

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