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How to Play Minute To Win It Games

Whether you’re hosting a party, trying to coordinate ice breaker activities, creating games to play in your classroom or just looking to get your teenagers off their devices for a few minutes, Minute to Win It Games are the answer!

This guide will help you learn HOW to play Minute to Win It Games, including how to keep score. (And then we’ll share our very favorite Minute to Win It Games and game ideas too!)

Download our Favorite Minute to Win It Games

When to Play Minute to Win It Games

  • Family game night
  • Birthday parties
  • Every holiday gathering!
  • Company workshops or retreats
  • Youth group gatherings
  • Family reunions
  • In the classroom
  • Anytime you have different age groups
  • Random Wednesday nights
  • You don’t need a reason to whip out these fun party games!

How to Play Minute to Win It Games

Depending on how many people will be playing, there are several ways to play Minute to Win It Games – which is our favorite part about these types of games. You can play with just two people or with dozens of people. You can keep score individually or as teams – or you don’t have to keep score at all. Here are the different ways to play.

If you only have a few players, this is most likely the style you’ll want to play.

In this version, one player will be competing individually in an attempt to complete a challenge within one minute. If they do it, they win a point (more on scoring later). If they don’t, then they get no points.

Players can take turns competing each challenge, or you can have multiple challenges taking place at the same time – with players rotating to a different challenge each round.

If you have enough supplies, you can also have several people doing the same challenge at the same time.

This version works really well with classroom parties. You can have supplies for 5 kids to compete at the same time for every game, and have kids rotate from game to game in stations.

When you have a larger group, you may want to divide the group into teams. You can have as many teams as you want.

For each game, you can have the team choose one player to compete head-to-head with the other team representatives.

For example, one person from each team will be given the game supplies, and they all compete at the same time. The first person to finish the challenge wins for their team.

The team that wins the most challenges wins the entire game night.

This is a great way to get everyone involved when you have a larger group and encourages a lot of cheering.

Our favorite way to play Minute to Win It games is to do a hybrid of the individual and team options. This allows you to play a variety of games, have people compete in pairs and groups and also individually. It also gives everyone a chance to play most (or all) of the games.

For individual games, everyone who completes the challenge in one minute gets a point. For team efforts, anyone on the winning team gets one point. Each individual tallies their own points throughout the party. The individual with the most points at the end of the party wins.

How to Keep Score in Minute to Win it Games

First, you can have an epic game night without EVER keeping score. Trust me, it becomes about a whole lot more than prizes or bragging rights, so don’t feel like you need to keep score. But if you want to, you have three options (and it might depend on which version you play – person vs clock, teams or hybrid).

If people are competing individually, then they receive a point every time they win a game and/or every time they complete a challenge within 60 seconds or less. Easy Peasy. This is the method you’ll use if you are doing Person vs Clock style play.

If people are competing in teams or groups, you can either award 1 point for the winning team and no points for the losing team, or you can award 5 points to the winning team, 3 points for second place and 1 point for third place. At the end of the night, the team with the most points wins.

If you are playing a hybrid option, where people will compete individually for some games and in a pair or teams in other games, then you’ll use the scoring for individual play. For example, in a team event, each person on the winning team will receive 1 point. For individual events, each winner will receive 1 point. At the end of the game, the individual with the most points wins.

Scoring Tip

Rather than trying to keep score throughout the night, I like to give every participant a notecard with their name on it. Every time they win (either individually or as part of a team), I put a sticker on their notecard. At the end of the night, the person with the most stickers wins.

Minute to Win It Supplies

Minute to Win It Games utilize a variety of supplies depending on the game that you’re playing, but there are a few things I try to keep stocked so we’re always ready to play a few games.

  • Red cups (plastic cups, like solo cups)
  • Ping Pong balls
  • Empty tissue boxes
  • Elastic belts (a baseball or softball belt works great!)
  • Tongue depressors or craft sticks
  • Oreos or another similar type of cookie
  • Chopsticks
  • A few pair of pantyhose
  • Skittles, M&Ms and other small candies
  • Soda cans
  • Mini marshmallows
  • Roll of Toilet paper
  • Marbles
  • Pennies
  • Tennis balls

FAQs about Minute to Win it Games

Minute to Win It is a popular game show format where contestants participate in a series of short challenges using everyday household items. The goal is to complete the tasks within one minute to win prizes or points.

To organize Minute to Win It games at home, gather a list of simple challenges, set up a timer for one minute per game, and gather the necessary supplies. Divide players into teams or individuals, and let the fun begin!

Absolutely! Minute to Win It games are versatile and can be adapted for different age groups. You can adjust the difficulty level of the challenges based on the participants’ ages and skills.

The number of players can vary based on the available space and the specific challenges you choose. Minute to Win It games can accommodate small groups (as small as two)or larger gatherings, making them suitable for various events.

Absolutely! You can add a fun twist to your Minute to Win It event by choosing challenges that align with a specific theme, such as holidays, sports, or movies. It adds an extra layer of creativity and excitement.

If a participant is finding a challenge too difficult, consider offering a bit of extra time or adjusting the rules slightly. The primary goal is to have fun, so flexibility is key.

Yes, you can adapt Minute to Win It games for virtual settings. Participants can complete challenges using video calls, and you can use household items that are easily accessible to everyone.

10 of our Favorite Minute to Win it Games


You will need:

  • At least 15 empty soda cans
  • At least 15 paper plates

How to play:

The goal is to stack as many soda cans and paper plates as possible in 60 seconds. The order should be soda can, paper plate, soda can, paper plate, etc. If the stack falls, the player needs to start over.

For Individuals:

Players can play one at a time to beat the clock. The players that complete the challenge within 60 seconds get a point.

If you have enough supplies, players can compete head-to-head against each other. The first player to accomplish the task wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to compete in this challenge.

Or, teams can send three representatives to work together to complete the challenge.

Relay Option:

Divide players into teams. One at a time, each person will stack the cans, unstack them and tag the next player on their team. The team that has every player finish first wins.

Holiday Themes:

Use colored paper plates based on the holiday. Pink for Valentine’s Day, green for St. Patrick’s Day, etc.


You will need:

  • Straws (one for each player)
  • Paper plates (two for each player)
  • Small candy like M&Ms or jelly beans

How to play:

Place plates side by side on a table in front of the player. Put all of the candy on one plate. Participants must suck a piece of candy into the bottom of the straw and blow it onto the other plate. The goal is to move all the candy from one plate to the other in 60 seconds or less. Vary the amount of candy based on the age of the participant.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. The first person to beat the challenge wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two relay teams. Each player will need their own straw. When it is their turn, they must move the candy from one paper plate to the other. The next person on their team must move the candy back to the original paper plate. This continues until everyone on the team has gone. The team to finish first wins.

Holiday Themes:

Use candy based on each holiday. Red and green M&Ms for Christmas, jelly beans for Easter, candy corn for Halloween…


You will need:

  • At least 25 solo cups of one color
  • At least 1 solo cup of another color

How to play:

Stack all solo cups together with the different colored cup on the bottom of the stack. Set a timer for one minute. Players must take one cup from the top of the stack and put it on the bottom of the stack. Repeat this process as quickly as possible until the different colored cup is on the bottom again. If you do it in 60 seconds or less, you win.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. The first person to beat the challenge wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge. Each team representative can compete individually or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. Teams stand in line with the first person holding the stack of cups. Each person must complete the cup stacking challenge and then pass the stack to the person behind them. The first team to complete the challenge wins.

Holiday Themes:

Use different colored cups for each holiday. Pink and red for Valentine’s day, Gold and black for New Year’s Eve, green and gold for St. Patrick’s Day, etc.


You will need:

  • 36 solo cups for each player or team participating at the same time

How to play:

Players have 1 minute to stack 36 cups into a pyramid and then unstack them into a single stack.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. The first person to beat the challenge wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge. Each team representative can compete individually or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives. Teams also could send 2-3 people to work together to build the pyramid.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. Each person on the team must complete the cup pyramid challenge, one-by-one. The first team to complete the challenge wins.

Holiday Themes:

Use different colored cups for each holiday. Pink and red for Valentine’s day, Gold and black for New Year’s Eve, green and gold for St. Patrick’s Day, etc.


You will need:

  • 3 balloons for each person or team participating at the same time

How to play:

Blow up balloons and tie. Participants have to keep all three balloons in the air for 60 seconds – using only their head. Use fewer balloons for younger players.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. Players are eliminated when one of their balloons touches the ground. The last person standing wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge. Each team representative can compete individually or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. Have half of each team stand at one end of the room and the other half at the other end. When play begins, the first player from each team must get ONE balloon across the room to the other player on their team using only their head. That player must then get the balloon back across the room to their teammates using only their head. Continue until everyone on the team has participated. The first team to finish wins.

Holiday Themes:

Use different colored balloons for each holiday. Blue for Earth Day, red for 4th of July, etc.


You will need:

  • At least one cookie per player (You can also use crackers if you don’t have any cookies)

How to play:

Each person starts with a cookie on their forehead. They have 60 seconds to get it into their mouth without using their hands. If a cookie falls on the floor, it can be replaced with a fresh cookie.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. The first person to accomplish the task wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge. Each team representative can compete individually or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. Players should stand in a line with a cookie in their hand. When play begins, the first person on each team places their cookie on their forehead and gets it into their mouth without using hands. As soon as they accomplish this, the next person on the team can start. This continues until everyone on the team is finished. The first team to finish wins. If a cookie falls on the floor, it can be replaced with a fresh cookie.

Holiday Themes:

If you’re feeling creative, make sugar cookies decorated for the holiday you’re celebrating.


You will need:

  • Two rolls of streamers or one roll of toilet paper per player

How to play:

Divide participants into groups of 2 or 3. One person is the mummy, and the other people have 60 seconds to wrap them top to bottom with two rolls of streamers. You can also use one roll of toilet paper instead of streamers.

For Individuals:

You need at least two players for this game.

For Teams:

Teams can send two team representative to complete this challenge. The representatives can compete individually to beat the clock or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives. The first team to complete the challenge wins.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. If you have an even number of players on each team, have everyone pair up. In a relay style race, one person will wrap their partner in streamers. As soon as they finish, the next pair on the team can begin. This continues until every pair on the team is finished. The first team to finish wins. Alternate Option: One person on each team is the wrapper. They must wrap each person on the team individually with two rolls of streamers per person. The first team to finish wins.

Holiday Themes:

Use different colored streamers for each holiday. Green and gold for St. Patrick’s Day, red and blue for the 4th of July, etc.


You will need:

  • One pair of pantyhose for each person participating at the same time
  • Two pennies for each person participating at the same time

How to play:

Place each penny in the bottom of each leg of the pantyhose. Players have 60 seconds to retrieve both pennies using one hand per leg simultaneously.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. The first person to accomplish the task wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge. Each team representative can compete individually or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. Players should stand in a line. When play begins, the first person on each team must retreive the pennies from the pantyhose. They then must put the pennies back in the legs and pass the pantyhose to the next person in line. This continues until everyone on the team has completed the challenge. The first team to finish wins.


You will need:

  • 1 box of uncooked spaghetti noodles
  • 1 box of uncooked penne pasta

How to play:

On your table, place a few spaghetti noodles and a pile of penne pasta. The object of the game is for each player to hold a spaghetti noodle in their teeth and thread as many pieces of penne pasta as possible, in 60 seconds, without using their hands!

If their spaghetti noodle breaks, they can get another one.

For Individuals:

Individuals can play one at a time to beat the clock. Or they can play in a head-to-head competition. The person with the most pasta on their noodle at the end of the minute wins.

For Teams:

Teams can send a team representative to complete this challenge. Each team representative can compete individually or in a head-to-head competition with other team representatives.

Relay Option:

Divide players into two teams. Players should sit at a table with their own piece of spaghetti and pile of penne pasta in front of them. When play begins, the first person on each team must attempt to get 5 pieces of penne pasta onto their spaghetti noodle. As soon as they do, the next person on their team can start. This continues until everyone on the team is finished. The first team to finish wins.


While this is not a traditional Minute to Win It game, it’s one of our favorites to play at parties and family gatherings. It only requires one item, and it doesn’t take a long time to play.

You will need:

  • 1 brown grocery bag

How to play:

Place the bag in the middle of the room. Going oldest to youngest, each player stands on one leg, bends down and grabs the bag with their mouth.

They then tear off the part of the bag that touched their mouth and place the bag back on the ground.

The next person does the same.

The paper bag will get smaller and smaller as play continues.

If you fall, you’re out.

The winner is the last person standing.

See All of our Favorite Party Games

We have party games for every holiday, gathering and season!

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